The Unconstitutionality of Inheritance Clause Granting Siblings Automatic Inheritance


In a recent ruling, the Constitutional Court has declared the inheritance clause that grants siblings automatic inheritance as unconstitutional. This decision marks a significant step towards preventing inheritance disputes among siblings and ensuring fairness and justice in inheritance matters. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of this ruling and explore its potential impact on future inheritance disputes and the need for legislative amendments.

Understanding the Ruling

The Constitutional Court’s decision comes as a response to the controversial inheritance clause that guarantees siblings automatic inheritance. The court has determined that this clause violates the principles outlined in the Constitution. Specifically, the court found that this provision grants special privileges to siblings, which goes against the constitutional principle of equality.

The clause in question was a part of Article 1007 of the Civil Code, which deals with regulations regarding inheritance. The court’s ruling effectively renders this specific provision null and void, highlighting the need for improvements in the regulations governing inheritance.

Implications and Future Amendments

The ruling by the Constitutional Court is expected to have far-reaching implications for future inheritance disputes. By declaring the clause unconstitutional, the court has taken a crucial step towards promoting fairness and equality in inheritance matters. However, this decision also raises the question of whether further amendments to the relevant laws governing inheritance will be necessary.

In light of this ruling, it is crucial for the legislature to reevaluate and potentially revise the existing laws related to inheritance. This process will involve careful consideration of the constitutional principles of equality and fairness, while also addressing the concerns and interests of all parties involved.


The recent ruling by the Constitutional Court, declaring the inheritance clause granting siblings automatic inheritance as unconstitutional, is a significant development in the realm of inheritance law. This decision aims to prevent future disputes among siblings and ensure fairness and justice in matters of inheritance.

Moving forward, it will be essential for lawmakers to carefully review and amend the laws governing inheritance. This process should prioritize the principles of equality and fairness, while also considering the interests and concerns of all individuals involved in inheritance disputes.

By upholding the Constitution and striving for a more just and equitable society, this ruling sets an important precedent that will shape the future of inheritance law in our country.